Let it go

Nov 12, 2023

This yoga exercise really helped me so I’m excited to share it and hope it will make you feel better 🫂

Firstly, lie down and relax your body. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Feel your chest going up and down when you breathe.

Secondly, imagine something or someone that you deeply love. I imagined my favourite forest. Focus on how it makes you feel. I noticed that my facial muscles relax when I imagine walking there. 

Thirdly, imagine someone you had an altercation with/ you broke up with recently. Notice any tension in your body? Breathe it out.

Now, try to direct the energy you felt from previous imagery towards that person. Direct loving energy to the person who hurt you. It’s so hard to do without tears, and I hated the teacher for making me do this but it eventually helps😭😂

The key here is understanding that the anger we feel towards people is the reflection of our insecurities. 

For example, you feel afraid someone will leave you because you don’t feel confident enough, or lovable enough due to some past experiences. 

The same goes for them: if they say something out of anger, it’s the projection of their own insecurities and pain on you. 

By forgiving them and giving love to them you become detached from the past, and you understand how projection works. 

By learning to forgive others you learn to forgive you. 

It makes no sense to keep grudges, no matter what the person has done. No one is perfect.

I hope this helped you to reassess your frustrations and let go of them 🖤

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