Tien Lee
3 supporters
Announcing My New Game: R for Redemption

Announcing My New Game: R for Redemption

Oct 18, 2023

Greetings! I'm thrilled to officially announce my new game project - R for Redemption. This top down shooter/brawler hybrid has been months in the making and I think it has real potential.

Inspired by the legendary Hotline Miami, R for Redemption cranks up the action with breakneck gunplay and brutal melee combat. Clear out hordes of enemies before they clear YOU out. With permadeath on the line, every second counts.

Here's a sneak peek at some implemented gameplay so far:

  • Intuitive keyboard/gamepad movement gives you full control of the arena. Strafe, turn, and pull off precise maneuvers amidst the bullet chaos.

  • Dash with style, leaving enemies in the dust. But make sure you have a plan, because the dash meter wasn't infinite. 

  • Get up close and personal with punching. Fighting them like a gorilla sure will save you some ammo, but expose you to damage. Risk reward!

I recently finished the sprite art for the main character, Ryan. Wearing a penguin hat and gripping a pistol, Ryan's gritty pixel art sets the tone for this tale of a hitman seeking redemption. R for Redemption is my passion project. I'll be sharing regular dev updates and would love your impressions and ideas

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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