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Thank you for your support!

Sep 01, 2023

Hello Everyone,
Just checking in to thank you for supporting me.

As a thank you, I thought I'd share a bit of a behind the scenes story from almost 5 years ago, when I first started making videos for my channel.

This picture is from the first season I recorded for Astronomical!
I hadn't told any of my family about Astronomical at this point and instead told them I was just going on a solo holiday for a couple of weeks to clear my head after I buggered my university exams up.

This picture was taken moments before I recorded the intro to the first episode, I setup the camera to capture me talking in front of this beautiful landscape, beneath these 'candy floss' skies.

I did my first take just as it reached 5am and the Moon was setting just before the Sun could rise. I ended up doing 31 more takes before my stomach was rumbling so loud it was starting to ruin the takes!

I'd been repeating the same lines over and over again for about an hour and half, doing my best to ensure that the first scene of the series would be perfect!
Upon getting home and editing the footage, I then realised that the first take of the 32 was in fact the best one! Mostly because the backdrop looked very peaceful at this point when the Sun was still yet to rise and replace these pinky/purple skies with a much more familiar blue. There was a lesson to be learnt there and it was to not overthink things and try not to be a perfectionist...
I still haven't really learnt this lesson, but it does mean that I'm continuing to put my heart and soul into making videos that I enjoy making and I really hope you enjoy too! ✨

Clear skies

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