Prediction versus Logic

Prediction versus Logic

Apr 15, 2022

In the world of Home Assistant, prediction is understood as the triggering of a certain event based on the possibilities that this event has already occurred in the same situation.


When the temperature drops below 20°C, except at night, I always turn on the radiators.

The predictive automatism will then check when the temperature is below 20°C and if it is night or day, if so it will turn on the radiators.

  • But what if there is a window open in the house?

  • Or if no one is home?

  • Or if you're cooking dinner soon and therefore the temperature would rise without turning on the heaters?

The system would not consider these factors and would simply turn on the heating, forcing the user to manually intervene so as not to create discomfort.

Applying Logic and Reasoning to the actions to be taken means giving Home Assistant a learning system of all the possible situations that can generate (or have generated) a certain result and decide for themselves which action is the most logical to do. Surely it will need a lot of initial learning, but when it knows, for example, that the open window lowers the temperature, it will avoid turning on the heating because it would not obtain the desired result.

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