94 supporters
Volunteer for the time of your life

Volunteer for the time of your life

Feb 24, 2024

### Discovering India Through Volunteering

I have had the incredible opportunity to meet some extraordinary individuals during my time in India. Volunteering has been a significant part of my journey, and my experiences at Saksham School have truly stood out as one of the most rewarding chapters.

### A Tapestry of Cultures

Saksham School attracts a diverse group of volunteers from around the world. I've had the pleasure of collaborating with individuals from Italy, Korea, Spain, Singapore, and, of course, fellow Brits. Each person brings a unique set of skills, ranging from singing and dancing to arts and crafts, bean bags, hoops, and even problem-solving with puzzles. The collaborative environment has also fostered activities like computer studies and language learning in Hindi, English, and Math.

### Lessons in Cultural Immersion

Volunteering is a powerful teacher as it immerses you in a myriad of cultures. Despite not speaking Hindi fluently, I've picked up a few phrases, and my favorite remains "Sha Bash," meaning Well done. The exchange of knowledge and cultural nuances among volunteers has been a rich and enlightening experience.

### Open Invitation to Experience Saksham School

For those planning to visit India, I extend an invitation to connect with me. I can introduce you to Deepti and Nitin Sharma, the welcoming faces behind Saksham School. They are open to hosting visitors for any duration, providing an enriching experience that goes beyond the typical tourist path.

### A Plea for Support

I urge you to share this opportunity with your friends and family. The success of projects like Saksham School relies on community support. Your contributions on []( go a long way in sustaining and expanding our initiatives.

### Monthly Memberships - A Key to Planning Ahead

Consider becoming a member to support the school's ongoing efforts. Monthly pledges, no matter how small, make a substantial difference in our ability to plan and execute meaningful projects. Your consistent support ensures the continued success of Saksham School. From as little as 5 Euros a month and you will be helping us to make a difference.

### Empowering Women: A New Chapter

Exciting news graces Saksham School as it gains recognition from the Princess Diya Kumari Foundation in India. The foundation's primary goal of empowering women to break free from poverty aligns seamlessly with Saksham School's mission. Stay tuned for a dedicated piece on this significant development.

In conclusion, my journey at Saksham School has been an inspiring testament to the power of volunteering and cross-cultural exchange. As we continue to grow and make a positive impact, your support becomes the bedrock of our success. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey, take care, Lauren xxx

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