My New Leadership Book Is Here Now! Orde ...

My New Leadership Book Is Here Now! Order Today!

Nov 25, 2024

My Book answers the question: What are the best qualities of a leader? What are the worst traits and how can I avoid them?

It's In Paperback and ebook versions. Links are below:

My new book is out now in Paperback and eBook versions! Follow the links to buy it!

"12 Good Traits Of A Leader"

Get the Paperback on Amazon Canada

Get the Paperback on Amazon USA

eBook version on Gumroad.

In my book, you will learn the 12 best traits that all good leaders have. I take examples from the Bible, quote Jesus, and share my experiences as a pastor and a grocery department manager. You will also learn the 12 nemesis or negative versions of these traits and how to avoid them. A great book for all leaders, especially those who are new at it. These principals work for both paid teams and for volunteer teams.



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