
Jul 07, 2024

We are back! We will be dropping the last 2 episodes of the Manson Family Cult FINALLY! We know, we know. We have been MIA and have left you all hanging. Unfortunately, our lives have gotten crazy.
Amanda has been slammed at the salon. Michaela started a new job at the sheriff's office in our county.

With that said, we have taken this time to revamp our podcast. As you can see, we have a new logo. Michaela is working on redoing our merch and making it more uniform and solid. She is working on updating our bios on the podcast to make it more detailed. We have decided that after we launch the Manson episodes, we will change how we format our podcast and research.

Be patient with us with our new format, but we are excited and can't wait to get back to giving you guys content!

We want to address how we are doing our memberships here now. We only have one membership now and you do not have to join our membership to listen to our episodes, you just have to be a supporter. If you'd like to donate you are more than welcome to but are not obligated to. We are working on bringing you all new and amazing episodes and merch!

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