44 supporters
Over 400 subscribers 🥰🤩

Over 400 subscribers 🥰🤩

Sep 22, 2020

It has been some time since I posted an update here on Buymeacoffee, since the most updates about Creativerly are happening straight inside the newsletter and also over at Indie Hackers. Nevertheless, here are some insights about the status quo of the newsletter.

Back in April I was celebrating 100 subscribers, my long-term goal I set myself to reach within 12 months (it actually took me 14 months). It was a huge milestone for me. After that I did not set myself a new goal, I just wanted to focus on content. Well, six months later and Creativerly has over 420 subscribers and is on its way to reach 500 very soon. When I started the project back in January 2019 I had no idea that I would write those lines one and a half years later. But I have to admit, it feels great.

I would also like to take the chance and say thank you to every single one who supported me here on that page by buying me a coffee. As Creativerly is getting bigger and bigger, I also need to invest more time to write and curate every single issue. To keep it a sustainable project, your support makes a big difference, Thank you so much.

Buymeacoffee is offering a lot more functions which I want to explore really soon, so I will be able to introduce some more options to support Creativerly and my work. I am really looking forward, to see what the future has to offer for my newsletter. Also, I am already working on new content segments, so I make sure to only deliver the most valuable content to my readers. More information will follow soon.

Besides that keep spreading the word about Creativerly, I really appreciate it.

All the best,


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