How to create an email marketing campaig ...

How to create an email marketing campaign that works

Nov 06, 2021

There are tens or hundreds of different marketing channels available in the digital  marketing industry and email marketing has the highest ROI. And according to research, there are about 3x more created email accounts than Facebook and Twitter combined together. Imagine if your email marketing campaign gets to 10% of those created email accounts, as email marketing generates one of the highest click-through rates in internet marketing. About return on investment in digital marketing, email marketing generates an average of $36 for every $1 spent in an email marketing campaign. Can you imagine how much sales and revenue you can drive for your business? The above is just one of the email marketing benefits you can get. Little investment, generates more revenue. This article will put you through on how to get started with email marketing. 

What Is Email Marketing? 

Email marketing definition comes in different ways. Here, we have two definitions that will throw more light to it with simplicity. It is the process of sending marketing message or campaign to a targeted audience, for the purpose of marketing a product or service. In other words, it is the use of email for marketing your product or service to a targeted audience. It is a very effective way to build a targeted audience that will get you the results you desire.To achieve maximum results, it will require using any of the email marketing tools online. There are hundreds of email marketing platforms you can use to reach your targeted audience e.g. Aweber, GetResponse, etc. 

     To be successful in your email marketing campaign, there are email marketing best practices one must follow, if you are doing this on your own. Even if you were to do your marketing with any of the email marketing companies, ensure their email marketing tools has email autoresponder and the best email marketing templates. These are very necessary for a successful marketing online. It is not only about profit making, but about building a relationship with your subscribers. This can be achieved by providing your subscribers with relevant contents that can offer solutions to their needs or problems. The truth is, your subscribers or potential customers know that you are marketing a service or product to them. But don't make it look that way to them. Rather, present your email  marketing content as a solution to their problems. You should devise an email marketing strategy that will make your subscribers or customers want to hear from you again. 

How To Create An Email Marketing Strategy That Works 

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