Hey everyone,
I'm excited to introduce a way to support coolkidbot, a Discord bot that I've developed to add some fun and excitement to Discord servers, with this buymeacoffee page. If you're unfamiliar with the bot, please check out the website for more details (https://coolkidbot.com) but briefly: coolkidbot is a Discord both with features like an integrated economy, gambling games, badges, and rewards, it is designed to keep you and your friends entertained.
However, running and maintaining a bot can be expensive and so far I have been covering the costs for the past year, which is why I've opened this buymeacoffee page. By contributing to the hosting and development costs, you'll be helping me keep coolkidbot running smoothly and improving its features to make it even better.
I took a break from developing this bot after I graduated college started my full time job but I'm thrilled to be back and I can't wait for you to experience all the fun and excitement that coolkidbot has to offer. So join the fun, grab a coffee, and let's see what the future of coolkidbot holds!