Special Guest Interview #22 with JR Rive ...

Special Guest Interview #22 with JR Rivera

Sep 26, 2023
JR Rivera is a Father, a Husband, a man of God and the creator and host of "The Podcast Factory." His teachers said he would never amount to anything. But God had another plan for him. In this episode, he will talk about how he became from being a drop out to being a faith driven entrepreneur living a life of limitless possibility. He also shared the difference with his life before and after he started having a more intimate relationship with God and why is it important that we also have that same relationship with Christ. He also gave some advice on surrendering and letting it go. We also talk on how to be a better Ambassador for Christ and what it means to him to have Christ as his business and personal partner in his life. Finally, he gave some advice on how to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. If you want to learn more and hear JR's podcast you can do it by going to: https://thepodcastfactory.com/ We also want to say thank you to our Spotify sponsor of our show for the beautiful music you heard from in this episode which is called "Walk with You" by Michael Bethany. Thank you for listening and supporting us and always remember to Come to Jesus Daily! Stay bless and until next time. We would love to hear what you think of our interview and let us know if you have any questions or comments by going to any of our social media links. Email us at cometojesuswithannette.mahal@gmail.com Twitter and Instagram: @AnnetteMahal FB: Come to Jesus
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