Special Guest #35: Last Part of Paul's I ...

Special Guest #35: Last Part of Paul's Interview on the Role of Love

Feb 19, 2025
Paul Zolman is the international bestselling author of the Role of Love, but the true author of love is God. He has created a new way to demonstrate the principles of the love languages. It's a profound way to learn all five love languages to give them away. By giving them away, your vision will improve to the point that you can see them coming your way and respond appropriately. The system is so easy that even young children can be trained in this love giving system. Spoiler alert: it's a game where everyone wins. In the last part of our interview, Paul will share with us the kind of transformation that people can get from reading his book and what are the different roles of love that he wrote on his book. You will also hear him talk about how his system will help minimize the violence in school. He will also talk about how single people benefit from reading his book. Most importantly, Paul will share the difference with his life before and after he accept Christ as his personal savior. To buy his book and get more information or contact him you can go to: https://roleoflove.com We would love to hear from you so make sure to send us any comments or questions that you may have for us in any of our social media links. Connect with us through our Social Media Links: Email us at cometojesuswithannette.mahal@gmail.com Twitter and Instagram: @AnnetteMahal FB: Come to Jesus You can also send us a voice message if you are listening in Spotify or by sending your questions or comments to (571)601-0067. Thank you for listening and supporting us and always remember to Come to Jesus Daily!
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