S3 D.R #3: Unwrapping the Gift of Patien ...

S3 D.R #3: Unwrapping the Gift of Patience from the Holy Spirit

Jan 15, 2025
First and foremost, I want to let you know that this devotional is not an idea that I came up with. Instead, this is a devotional that the Holy Spirit placed in my heart to share with you. At first, I thought He wants me to do just one devotional but while recording it I realized that He wants me to do a series of devotional where we get to unwrap the different gifts that He gave us. We are unwrapping the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. We already unwrapped the gift of love, joy and peace and in this episode, we will unwrap the gift of patience. Our main verse can be found in Galatians 5:22-23 which tells us that kind of fruits or gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us. Besides, this verse I also mentioned two other verses that I felt God wants me to share with you about the gift of patience. The verses that you will hear are Romans 8:25 and Romans 12:12. My prayer is that we all ask God to give us the gift of patience in waiting either for a short time or for our long goals or desires of our hearts and know that if it is God's will that He will give us whatever it is we asked him for. Be patient and know that God loves you and that it is not our timetable but God. He is not late; God is always on time so while you wait be constant in your prayers to Him. Stay tuned and make sure to always follow us you don't miss as we unwrap a few more gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us and also to hear the first part of our livestream this year which is from our good friend Johnathan which will be publish really soon. I pray blessings to each and every one of you and thank you for supporting and sharing us to your family and friends. We would love to hear from you so feel free to share with us if you prayed the prayer that I did in this episode, and we would love to hear what you think about this episode. Connect with us through our Social Media Links: Email us at cometojesuswithannette.mahal@gmail.com Twitter and Instagram: @AnnetteMahal FB: Come to Jesus You can also send us a voice message if you are listening in Spotify or by sending your questions or comments to (571)601-0067. Thank you again for listening and always remember to Come to Jesus Daily!
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