Part 2 of my interview with Judah

Part 2 of my interview with Judah

Jan 24, 2023
In this episode, we had the privilege talking to an Author of the #1 New Release on Amazon, "Starve the Flesh," he is a YouVersion Bible App Partner specifically for devotional writing, as well as an Ordained Evangelist & Co-Founder of American Revival Ministries and I am talking about Judah Lupisella. He will answer the question I left of in Part 1 and that is what he thinks is the greatest obstacle that Christian face in their lives? In our conversation, he will also answer my questions, whose teaching influenced him the most to become the person that he is today or what bible character does he relate too and why? If you also want to hear, what advice can he give to people who feels hopeless, depress, and even feel suicidal or confused with their gender? Why did he say the giver is better than the giving, the blesser is better than the blessing, the healer is better than the healing? You have to listen to our conversation to hear his answer. Our prayer is that you don't only open your ears but open your hearts as you listen to his message. To find out or learn more about Judah you can go to this website: We also want to say thank you to our Spotify sponsor of our show for the beautiful music you heard from in this episode which is called "Cornerstone" from TobyMac (Featuring Zach Williams. Our prayer is that by listening to his testimony that you will experience for yourself the amazing love of Christ in your life and that you will not live for the world but lived your life for Christ. Thank you for listening and supporting us and always remember to Come to Jesus Daily. Stay bless and until next time. We would love to hear what you think of our interview and let us know if you have any questions or comments so, please send us a message in any of our social media links. Connect with us through our Social Media Links: Email us at Twitter and Instagram: @AnnetteMahal FB: Come to Jesus You can help support our podcast ministry and partner with us reach further to build God's Kingdom through our Patreon account which is or
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