Understand the Different Types of Whiteb ...

Understand the Different Types of Whiteboard Markers Before Purchasing

Mar 30, 2024

Markers that are referred to as whiteboard marker and permanent markers can be divided into two categories: oil-based and water-soluble paints. Water markers are examples of whiteboard markers, while Oil markers include permanent markers.

There are two types of marking markers: oil markers, mid markers, oil marking markers, and water markers. All materials of wood, metal, paper, plastic, or enamel can be marked with this marker. Furthermore these there are long-life, erasable, waterproof, whiteboard, fluorescent, color ink, and signature markers that you can choose from.

On The Topic Of Utilization

• The “permanent” term does not necessarily mean that markers can last forever; therefore, all the other so-called page markers or permanent ones are not “Whiteboard.”

• For example, they write papers, both with whiteboard and markers and in both cases, these markers will mark all that they write through the paper. So, it is no longer counterevidence that erasure still lies underneath.

• Residual permanent marker will remain sticky to some surfaces such as glass or enamel, similar to those found on whiteboards, hence is not erasable. You can gently scrub the ceramic white marker ink with a wet cloth.

• The dry-erase marker, when writing on a music staff, will leave the paper recordable or the duster with the paper towel can help to write on them. Such an approach will not adversely affect the employee staff. Another way to deal with this is to dampen the paper towel with alcohol and use it to erase them too.

• These were wet-erase and dry-erase markers both of which worked on whiteboards. 

Physical Features of Markers 

• There is no difference between the whiteboard marker and the blackboard marker’s characteristics.

• Markers consist of a body, a cap, a tip, and a reservoir responsible for ink stabilization. / Markers contain these parts: a body, cap, tip, and an ink holder.

• The body and third of this pen are formed from plastic resin and leak also.

• Manufacturing of pens is comparable to that of felt-tip pens in that a dye mixture of water and powder is used on the felt.

Based on induced chemicals (on co-factors).

• Water, modifiers, solvents, and preservatives, (the) are the ingredients needed to make ink.

• The main solvent compound differs between various marker brands, but the other ingredients are likely the same with those markers.

• Toluene and xylene are the solvents natural to the markers permanent thus owing their quality to stay long.

How to Keep Your Whiteboard as White as Possible?

With the new whiteboard use, always clean at the end of each day during the initial month. (This function is, among other things, achieved via our award-winning Smart Wall Paint provides a vivid depiction of the pollution levels that make the environment unlivable). Why? formulated with the same technology as the automobile refinishers use but rather as a high build coating with drier cure specification such as (after application this specialist coating continues the cure for the first month).

Don't use any kind of tape 

Please note that the removal of Sellotapes or any adhesive-backed materials from your painted whiteboard is not allowed. However, during this procedure, there is a risk that some of the whiteboard paint will remain stuck in these particles. Given that you are not painting over grease, this off-the-radar section is not a wipe-bale. Some people, maybe without their consent, might end up writing on it, and right then; it becomes a problem that might be impossible to get rid of.

Check the gloss level

The cleaner the whiteboard should be in theory, the glossier its surface should be, which will allow things to wipe off and be cleaned. The extent to which you can obtain erasability is limited by gloss levels. Some will opt for a transparent, shiny look. Some people opt for an aim finish, while others choose a matt one.


Certainly, now you can distinguish which one is between different types of markers. Little does it differ from whiteboard markers permanent ones perform as well as whiteboard markers. Buy a high-quality marker for your whiteboard by referring to a reliable eCommerce platform in the UAE region. 

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