November 10th.
Coding for Ukraine is completing the first birthday.
On this date, one year ago, we had the first glimpse of idea about creating a platform of studies to boost tech skills for Ukrainians.
One year ago we were tired of worrying and crying with news from the war in Ukraine and not doing anything to help. So we thought of working with anything at our disposal.
I say "we" because I've never considered this project only about myself. This is about everyone. About people, about sharing, about caring. Anyway it's worth mentioning it was entirely made by the efforts and means of only one person, working almost always alone (Sheila speaking here again).
I did my best to employ my own tech and education skills and deliver something that could add value to those seeking a career boost. Thinking especially on Ukrainians, I decided to leave everything completely open and for free.
From the first thought one year ago and the launching (June 12th), it went almost nine months of hard work and high expectations. There's still much to be improved and done, but we are very happy to see the first course fully available and operational.
Most importantly, helping more than 300 students who registered in our Javascript course so far and keep sending us kind, insightful and constructive feedback.
You can congratulate Coding for Ukraine for the 1st birthday by sharing our project or supporting us at our fundraising site. As a one-person project, it has been operating beyond the capacity to financially sustain it. (particularly considering my current state of unemployment).
Thank you in advance for considering it. Every little matters. A couple of contributions every month are enough to meet the immediate demands and also plan our expansion.