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Build Full Stack Social Media App in Rea ...

Build Full Stack Social Media App in React Native

Jun 22, 2024

Unlock the potential of full-stack development with this comprehensive social media app! This project covers every aspect of building a professional, real-world application from start to finish. By mastering the features and techniques in this app, you'll gain the skills needed to create robust, scalable, and user-friendly apps that work seamlessly across various platforms.


  • Authentication: Secure user login and registration.

  • Social Feed: Display posts in a dynamic feed.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your app looks great on any device.

  • State Management: Efficiently manage app state.

  • Supabase Backend: Use Supabase for scalable backend services.

  • Real-time Data Updates: Keep your app data fresh with real-time updates.

  • Creating and Fetching Posts, Likes, and Comments: Enable users to interact with content.

  • Rich Text Editor: Allow users to create formatted text posts.

  • Updating and Deleting Posts and Comments: Provide full CRUD operations.

  • Live Notifications: Notify users of important activities in real-time.

  • User Profiles: Let users personalize their profiles.

  • Pagination: Efficiently load large sets of data.

  • File Upload (Images/Videos): Support media uploads.

  • Media Sharing: Enable users to share images and videos.

  • Image Caching: Improve performance with image caching.

  • SVG Icons: Use scalable vector graphics for icons.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Build apps that work on Web, Android, and iOS.

This project uses the latest tools and best practices, ensuring you learn the most current and effective development techniques. Dive in now to transform your app development capabilities.

Take your development skills to the next level with this full stack app 🚀.

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