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How Google Sheets and the Magic of Apps ...

How Google Sheets and the Magic of Apps Script Boosts Caffeine Budget! ☕️

Nov 14, 2023

What do I love about Google Sheets? Coupled with the limitless power of Apps Script, you can interact with any API, track online changes, and all of this comes at no cost for hosting! Yes, there are some limitations, but for trial runs, it's just perfect.

Remember how Telegram is getting stricter about monetization? I've found a solution to that problem. Introducing my bot on the BuyMeACoffee page. This hero automates access management to your Telegram content. All actions - initiation, renewal, cancellation of subscriptions - are routed through a webhook cleverly tucked inside a Google Sheet. Simple and without hosting expenses!

No complex coding required. Everything is set up through a user-friendly interface. Want to see it in action? Check out my membership plans. There's even access for just $1 monthly - simply to give it a try. Coffee in hand, content in your chat. The magic of Google Sheets and Apps Script on your side! ☕️✨

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