International Cat Day

International Cat Day

Aug 08, 2024

The International Fund for Animal Welfare recognized the need to honor cats. International Cat Day has been celebrated every year since August 8th, 2002. This day is used to raise awareness for cats to teach people how to protect and care for them.

Rocky- Photo by ©G.A. Alexander.

Cats are beautiful and mysterious creatures. They are a walking paradox.

Their perplexing personality makes them a subject of awe and wonder. And, in my opinion, they are wildly misunderstood.

These enigmatic felines have been a part of history for many centuries.

According to what I have read, archeological evidence suggests that cats lived among the people of Mesopotamia thousands of years ago and may have been domesticated around 12,000 BCE.

The Egyptians regarded cats as deities and protectors. The Goddess Bastet, depicted as a cat, was one of the most popular deities in the Egyptian pantheon. The penalty for killing a cat in Egypt was death.

After the collapse of the Egyptian Dynasty, cats became more popular as they were beneficial to society. The Greek and Roman civilizations used them for pest control.

Superstitious beliefs changed the lives of cats.

T'Challa- Photo by ©G.A. Alexander.

Sadly, humans are fickle. What they find benevolent in one moment, they vilify it the next. And the Middle Ages are proof of that. As luck would have it, during the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX issued a decree declaring cats as instruments of Satan.

There is little evidence that Pope Gregory told people to kill cats, but the decree led to a misconception throughout Europe that cats were evil. Particularly black cats since they were associated with witches. Older women who kept cats were especially vulnerable to a charge of witchcraft.

The Age of Enlightenment.

Cats would continue to be seen this way until the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century. During the Victorian Age, Queen Victoria returned the cat to the status it had enjoyed in ancient Egypt.

There are people in this day and age who believe that cats are evil. Thankfully, most of us love their company and see them as adorable little creatures possessing little daggers for nails.

Spidey- Photo by ©G.A. Alexander.

There are so many breeds with different characteristics and traits. Some are fluffy with short snouts, like the Persian cats. Others are long and slender, with deep blue eyes, like the Siamese breeds. Others are hairless and wrinkly, like the Sphynx. Some are a mix of different breeds, but they are just as valuable as a purebred cat.

While dogs love to please humans, cats expect us to please them- and we are happy to oblige when they demand our attention. Some cats are very affectionate- others prefer to come to you when they want your affection.

Those of us who understand cats love and enjoy their companionship. We happily share our lives with them. We are thankful when they choose us as their person. And some of us are happy to call ourselves cat parents.

If you dislike cats, I respect your opinion. All I ask is that you do not harm them. They are sentient beings that deserve care, love, and a forever home.

How to celebrate International Cat Day.

If you are crafty, make some DIY cat wands with feathers or create a mini castle out of cardboxes.

Create a cozy space with blankets and snacks for you and your cat.

Create cat-themed art such as paintings or drawings.

Enjoy meaningful moments with your cat.

Set up obstacle courses or puzzle feeders to engage their minds and bodies.

Create a safe outdoor space or window perch for your cat to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Catios have become widely popular.

Hire a professional photographer or set up a DIY photo shoot to capture beautiful moments with your cat. Use props and backdrops for added fun.

T'Challa- Photo by ©G.A. Alexander.

Share photos and stories of your cat on social media using hashtags like #InternationalCatDay.

Organize a cat photo contest with friends or online followers.

Offer prizes for “the cutest, funniest, and most creative photo.”

Adopt- Don't shop.

AWLA- Photo by ©G.A. Alexander.

If you are ready for a lifetime commitment, visit a shelter or rescue organization and adopt a cat.

Do not overlook senior cats- they deserve to spend the rest of their golden years in a forever home.

Remember that cats are not disposable- be a responsible cat guardian.

If you can’t have cats or aren’t ready for a lifetime commitment, become a volunteer at or visit a local animal shelter’s cat adoption event.

Share information on social media to help cats find new homes.

Celebrate cats on August 8th and every day!

I share my home with my two beautiful dogs, Bear and Max. I also have a gorgeous and mischievous black cat named T’Challa. He came into my life last year, shortly after losing my sweet Chihuahua Suri and my beloved mom. I credit Bear, Max, and T’Challa for my emotional and mental well-being. They make me happy, and I love them with all my heart. T’Challa’s purr helps me to fall asleep every night. I’m thankful that my furball is a part of my life.

Do you have a cat? Did you become a cat lover later in life? If so, tell me about your cat. How did he/she change your life? I'd love to hear your story!

Best regards.
G.A. Alexander.

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