The great doors led to a high courtyard. The remains of a light snowstorm spun in the air.
"Whoever you are, who has lured us into this trap, you have until we reach the other side of this courtyard to release us, because we are hunting you, and you give away your position every moment that you maintain this spell."
"What is that glowing thing, Second Archivist Eldaline?" said Aralina. "A Sigil stone?"
"When was the last time you thought about a Sigil stone, Flopsy?"
"About twenty minutes ago, Second Archivist. I was thinking about how awful it would be if we were actually on a plane of Oblivion."
"Stop thinking about things. Thinking about things causes the owner of this spell to manifest them."
"Sorry, Second Archivist."
"Whatever it is, I am going to smash it or see if it can be removed from its pedestal. Then there will be no more talk of Daedra and you can all accept that this is the work of a common illusionist."
"Auntie Eldaline, there's a giant with armour and a man with a spiky head and they don't want you to smash the stone." said Rufus.
"Gods, you're a thing from my nightmares." said Eldaline, and slashed across the brittle breastplate of an armoured icicle. "I knew I shouldn't have thought of things that frightened me when I was five."
"Now that I look at you in the cruel light of maturity, you look utterly ludicrous."
"I'll save you, Auntie Eldaline."
"Get out of my way, you irritating pork pie."
Aranwen was meanwhile enjoying the challenge of the large, slow warrior. She was still unarmoured, and so danced behind him and used her torch as a hook to pull him over backwards onto her blade.
"Good work, soldier." said Eldaline. "All finished over here. Mind the pieces of sentient icicle."
"It is funny, how that armour seemed to be soft. And the Sigil stone has disappeared, before I have had a chance to examine it."
They were now at the far end of the courtyard. The Snare had not disappeared and deposited Eldaline and her men and elves back on the deck of the ship Fat Dragon, where they were supposed to be.
This was irritating to them all, as Eldaline had specified that they would be required to destroy the person responsible for their annoyance if the condition was not met.
And they would now be required to do so, which looked like a lot of work.
They passed through overgrown gardens and dark lanes, and through tumbling archways into wide streets.
They found a staircase that led to an old council chamber.
And once they were at the top of the stairs, they were so worn out that they rested here. Except Rufus, who said he wasn't tired.
Skavild went on a quick patrol around the wall.
"You don't need to come, I'll call for you if I see anything dangerous."
"I am here to ensure that your report for the Second Archivist is accurate." said Aralina.
"I was just following her." said Aranwen.
"I'm not making a report, I'm just looking out for enemies." said Skavild.
Aralina said, "Aranwen, put that in your report."
"I'm not making a report either." said Aranwen. "I'm not writing anything in this place until this Quill monster is on the end of my sword. With respect, by your leave, Agent Flopsy, I mean Aralina."
Ondolemar briefly awoke from a short nap. "Is there a Quill Monster here too, Second Archivist?"
"Why didn't you all let me jump off that building." Stated Eldaline, ostensibly in the form of a question.
After a short rest, Aralina presented her report to the Second Archivist, who didn't want it and told her to put it away.
They continued onward through the winding streets. "Are your minds all clear of thoughts?" Eldaline asked. "Our opponent is a powerful mage of no imagination, and a great ignorance of the modern world."
"Look, Second Archivist, here is another Sigil Stone. We might try and examine it before it has a chance to escape." Ondolemar suggested.
"You're not listening to her." said Skavild. "It's not a Sigil stone. Aralina thought about a Sigil stone, and this damned ignorant and unoriginal wizard lifted the picture right out of her mind and made a replica here. A real Daedra wouldn't need to make 'em out of thoughts, he'd have a real plane of Oblivion, with real Sigil stones, and there wouldn't be so much goo everywhere."
"I am glad somebody has been paying attention." said Eldaline.
"Not bad for an unmagical Nord, eh?"
"You have educated your human ever so well, Second Archivist." said Aralina. "Was it very difficult? I wish I was as patient and brilliant as you."
Ondolemar said, "So many thought it couldn't be done. Congratulations. It is successes of this kind that make our presence in Skyrim entirely worthwhile."
"I don't have to take this kind of compliment from you." said Skavild.
"You speak for yourselves, with the greatest respect, meaning no offence." said Aranwen. "Can we please fight somebody, Second Archivist? I joined up to get paid and kick people in."
"Kick people in where?" demanded Skavild.
"Just In. Oh look, a door."
"Count Spoonface says he wants to stay out here and it's really important." said Rufus.
"No he doesn't." said Skavild. "You made Count Spoonface up to annoy your Ma."
Eldaline turned before she opened the unobtrusive-looking door that led into the side of a grand building. "Does Count Spoonface not want to help us do a murder?"
"By the Divines, don't encourage him, Eldaline. In talking dolls or in murder, I don't care. Don't encourage him in anything, he'll damn well do it if it gets on my nerves."
The corridors before them were lit by many bright candles. And they never seemed to end, and were punctuated by immobile Sigil stones that didn't work.
The staircases were as endless as the halls. Rufus said, "Are we there yet?" twice more before they reached anything else that caught his interest.
Just a sad, lonesome bonfire, which, strangely, still burned.
And the sad, lonesome remains of the person who might have built it.
"Here's another scary skeleton, Auntie Eldaline." said Rufus. "What are they doing here?"
"Not for me to say." she said. "I do not know how many people have been lured into this trap before us, not least the unfortunate crew of the Fat Dragon, who were here before us. I will have words with the person who sent us on this fruitless escapade. I will have words with everybody, you see if I don't."
"Oh, what now? Follow me." Eldaline ordered, standing before a gate to an otherworldly mist.
To be continued.