The Duchess of Anticlere - 8

The Duchess of Anticlere - 8

May 26, 2022


Erdi shuffled anxiously. "But, it does look very nice."


"Very nice?" cried Aralina. "But, I was not wearing it when I came in! What manner of unrespectable ghost do you allow to live in an official building?"



"And the ghost has somehow put enticing waves into my hair! My mother said that artificial waves are the sign of a wanton painted whore and I shall be ostractised by polite society!"


"The ghost often..."

"I do not want to be ostracised by polite society except in the ordinary course of my duty, where it is normal." said Aralina.


"I should have known that the lady was whispering about you." said Erdi. "I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking about? What lady was whispering about me? What is happening to me?"


"Probably nothing serious!" said Erdi. "Really! She was whispering about an Elf in the Palace who is Pure in Thought, Who Could Not Be Corrupted, and Must Be Dealt With. She said the ghost would take care of this elf, if I brought it to him. I thought she must be talking about the Gryphon Handler."

"Why did you not think she was talking about me? Why do you think me an unruly harlot? What have they been saying about me?"


"Oh, look," said Erdi. "this dress has embroidery on the hem."

"Does my mother know? Has the lady ghost been telling the man ghost that I am a strumpet with bare arms? I am not a strumpet with bare arms, I am a proud Aldmeri scout and agent of the Thalmor, this accusation is preposterous."


"Oh, I didn't mean the lady was a ghost too. Only the man is. She's most certainly not a ghost." said Erdi. "She comes up to me and whispers, in full view of everybody. When I'm cleaning, when I'm having my sandwiches at lunchtime, and when I'm trying to sleep at night. She says if I don't do as she says, she'll tell everybody about my... actually, never mind."


"Who comes up to you, and whispers?" said Aralina.


Dagon's Doorstop. Thought Eldaline. This is terrifying and I hate it. Why isn't this finished yet. Three hours I've been here. What do they want from me. Why are they all still here and why are they all gawping at me like a school of Idiotfish.


"So!" she said happily. "Before we go on to any questions you might have,


now that I have outlined cases D6 through to S10,


and we have explored in-depth analyses of J4 and M2 and Special Operation Green Emperor Way,


I would like to give you some idea of the success of your various projects and obtain your thoughts.


Of course, I have been in your situation myself, more recently than you might think.


It is hard to understand the meaning of your hard work, when you cannot see the results.


There is nothing like field work to prepare you. I hope you are all enjoying your placements in the Imperial City.


I personally would not be seen dead there. Of course, I nearly was.


Do not mind me, just my little joke.


You are more fortunate than many Archivists, to be able to see the fruits of your labour. It was only six weeks before arriving in Hammerfell that I saw my first Human.


That was, of course, when the Blades broke into the Archives of Alinor and murdered my predecessor.


That was a very strange night.


So, now that you have seen your ideas and writings enter the hearts and minds of the Imperial populace,


And, be assured that they have done so, and I am proud of you all,


What did you consider to be the most effective method of ensuring that your words are believed?


Forgive me, I was unclear. Based on your experiences in the Imperial City, answer this:


Of all the advice I gave you in Alinor, or First Archivist Voldaril gave you in Firsthold, on how to make sure that a rumour takes hold in the population, which technique has by far the highest chance of success?"


The Archivists at last offered their thoughts.

"Citing as many confusing or nonexistent sources as possible."

"Bombarding the populace with unrelated facts."

"Changing what is considered important daily."

"Tailoring reasons why every faction would want to believe you."


"Very interesting." said the Second Archivist. "But none of you have so far mentioned the most effective method. If you want to convince people of something:


Tell them."


A violent gust of wind wailed by outside, of the kind often found on the coast at the end of winter. It blew the clouds away from the sun, and the sun in turn glared through the stained glass and assaulted the gloom. The heart of the Second Archivist was pierced with damning sorrow.


"I say, how clever! Very sneaky and cunning and the rest." said the woman's voice from the doorway, and it was one that sounded obscenely self-assured even to a room full of Thalmor academics.


"If I didn't like you so much, I'd go so far as to call you a Bad Elf. Rotten storm out there. Still, blows the cobwebs away."


"Lady Flyte." said Eldaline. "What can I do for you?"


"Jolly nice of you to ask." said Malvilda, Lady Flyte, Duchess of Anticlere.


"I don't suppose you'd mind coming to the rescue of a poor Duchess in need of aid? I've got myself in a muddle downstairs with some rather strained rhymes."


Eldaline said, "I regret that I am not musically-inclined."


"Oh, but you'll help me, won't you? My friend Lulincka said you'd be a great help. Come along."


"I will not be long." said Eldaline, coming along, peculiarly, as requested. "Think about any questions you wish to ask."


The Archivists were certainly thinking of questions, but they knew better than to ask any of them.



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