D.P.F. 10: The Words of the Old Yokudan ...

D.P.F. 10: The Words of the Old Yokudans

Apr 01, 2022


Update:   Skavild still chasing those blasted Elves


After finding a message in a bottle that said 'Nyeh!', Skavild left the Black Jug tavern in Thorstad Place and took a short evening walk around the village.

Although he could not explain why, he was less angry about the message, and more thoughtful.  He could not help but ponder why Aranwen, a notoriously and virulently bad-mannered fist of Thalmor, would take the time out of her drinking schedule to taunt him so effectively.

"I won't easily forget that place." Aranwen sighed as she followed Second Archivist Eldaline away from the ruins.

"I might ask you to forget it, when we return home." said Eldaline.

The terrain was rising into the shape of a mountain pass. The air was still hot during the day, even in the month of Morning Star, and the Elves were relieved for the occasional shade and the scent of the cool water that sometimes ran down the rock faces.

"Madam, by what magic did the ward appear in the shrine, when you uttered the words of the spell inside the temple?" said Aralina, as she thought of the sands steps, still warm as they had emerged from the ancient temple earlier that day.

"Why do you ask what magic it is, Flopsy?" said Eldaline.

"Well, Second Archivist Eldaline," said Aralina. "it was not until we were out in the courtyard that I realised that the words you had spoken were not Daedric."

"It sounded like Ancient Yoku, if I am not mistaken, and I told Aranwen at the time, as we were approaching the now-unlocked shrine, but she did not enjoy the language at school."

"Really, Flopsy? You learned Ancient Yoku at Felballin School for Gentle Girls? How monstrously convenient." said Eldaline.

"Learning Ancient Yoku is a giant waste of time." said Aranwen. "So what if I can translate 'Tukta dua dogat kuloto shen she ru no shira lo'igra'. What use is learning a language if I can't even order a drink in it?"

"Oh, but those are exactly the words the Second Archivist said in the temple, Aranwen." said Aralina. "I am surprised that you remembered them, since you did not pay attention in your lessons."

Ondolemar stopped walking. "Oh, was that a different language you were speaking in the temple? No wonder I didn't understand. Thank Auri-El, I thought I had lost my wits."

"Well done." said Eldaline. "Yes, the spell was in Ancient Yoku, no longer widely spoken by Redguards. It was those words that opened the shrine to us, and the Ansei Ward within."
"It looks like a sword, Second Archivist." said Aranwen.

Eldaline sighed. "Yes, it is a sword. A magical sword containing the spirit of a guardian warrior, bound to protect the Alik'r desert from necromancy, as well as that of a powerful necromancer who wished long ago to destroy it."
"It was funny, Second Archivist, when all the ghosts appeared and started crying and begging you to put it back."

"Who's it for, Madam? It's a present for the Ambassador, isn't it? Is it her birthday?"

Eldaline recalled how she had most emphatically declined to replace the Ansei Ward, as the ghosts had implored.
"I would rather you did not speak of the expedition upon our return." she said. "To the Ambassador or anybody. Please be assured that it represents a step towards divinity."

"'Why do you resist the way of the noble deceiver?'" said Aranwen.
"I did not ask you to begin translating Ancient Yoku, Aranwen." said Eldaline.
"As you were, Aranwen, the Second Archivist did not ask you to begin translating Ancient Yoku!" said Aralina.
"This valley echoes." said Ondolemar.

The Redguards had helpfully built little monuments to hide in at clearly marked points on Skavild's map. He was unsure of their significance, but he enjoyed hiding in them.

He was still wondering about the message that had been left for him at the Black Jug.

It was too hot to wonder about anything else, such as his reasons for following those blasted Elves across the desert.

He knew it would be more sensible to remain behind and patiently await their return.  Even following the ridge of the Dragontail Mountains north-eastwards had confused him several times.  But the Elves had got away, and Skavild wanted more than anything to find out what they were doing, and possibly stop them from doing it if it was too awful.

"What do you want in our town, travellers?" said the guard at the gate of Heldorn Mount.
"Well met, gate guard." said the traveller at the head of the troupe. "We are itinerant priests of Arkay sent by the Duchess of Anticlere to document the admirable work done by our Redguard counterparts."

"This is a noble calling indeed." said the gate guard. "What is the significance of that amulet with the bird?"

"What amulet with what bird?" demanded the obscured traveller.
The traveller immediately behind appeared mildly amused, from what the guard could see of her face. "Sounds like this loony hates birds, Secon... glrgh I mean, my old mate."

"Do you suppose they are suspicious of us, Second Archiv... I mean Madam. I mean, dear frr...iend." said one of the other travellers, guarding the rear but not drawing her bow, and feeling truly guilty for using the word, despite having received express authorisation.
"Yes. Let's have a drink and do a bit of shopping." said the second traveller. "That'll make us all less nervous. Then we'll stand out less. I've got a curved sword. You should get one too, Agent Aralina, I mean Aralina."

"Now, understand this." said the first traveller. "We are going to have a drink, but nobody is going to dance on the table and kick men on the shin, and we are going to go shopping, but for some very specific alchemical ingredients, not for hats or purses."
"I understand." said the second. "I understand all of that."

"Madam, I must insist, I believe that Aranw... I mean, I would like to volunteer my friend to stand guard outside the tavern, in case of difficulties, and myself, to help you carry the alchemical ingredients."

"And what kind of difficulties could face itinerant Priests of Arkay within the walls of such a welcoming little town?"

"I don't know, my dear old mate, but I can't help thinking we're going to face them all, whatever they are." said the second of the travellers to initially speak.

As impenetrable as their disguises were, you will probably have begun to suspect by this stage that these were no itinerant Priests of Arkay, but rather, our four Thalmor acquaintances, who had escaped from under guard after the ceremony in Lainlyn, and were now at large in northern Hammerfell, a place utterly forbidden to them without proper supervision under the second treaty of Stros M'kai.  So, now that is all settled.
"You may come with me to the alchemist." said Eldaline, eventually, upon Aranwen's irritating insistence. "But do not ask childish questions. All will be made clear at a time in the near future."

"Thank you, Sec... Thank you! I feel much better for knowing we can prevent any inconvenience befalling you!" said Aralina.

Eldaline said, "Thank you, Flopsy, your concern is noted, but I am afraid some inconveniences cannot be avoided, only improved."

The Elves' short exploration of Heldorn Mount revealed a very small alchemists' shop called the Wyrm's Sundries, as well as a herb garden, where grew a cluster of pale flowers with petals like silk.

The Second Archivist reached into the bunch without much care for their beauty and plucked three flowers out at the root.

"Whatever are those plants? I didn't see them when I was in southern Hammerfell." said Aranwen.
"Ghost Blossom." said Eldaline, making for the unobtrusive wooden door.

"Well, they must be rare, because I've not seen them in Skyrim either, and we can't be more than thirty leagues from Markarth, as the crow flies."
"They are very rare." said Eldaline, and knocked on the door.
A voice said to come in.

The voice was a little older than its owner.  When the Elves went in as asked, they found a Redguard woman at the end of the vigour of youth, bent over a sweet-smelling concoction in a mortar.
"I was expecting a particular customer." said the woman. "Come back tomorrow."

Eldaline said, "I am a particular customer. Now, receive me as I expect."
"Oh, really." said the alchemist, not turning around but hearing the building of a fireball. "Go on. Now threaten me with death, and call me a worm. You know I will find flattery in it."


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