15. No weapons, no magic, no crying (iv ...

15. No weapons, no magic, no crying (iv.)

Feb 16, 2022

The story so far:

Eldaline, once known as the 'Serpent of Sunhold' for reasons she has refused to give, a senior Thalmor dignitary and author of the first edition of 'Nords, Arise!', has been captured by Ulfric Stormcloak and sent to fight a giant bandit woman to the death, as Ulfric is angry that the magical Book of Fate claims that Eldaline will replace him as Jarl.

Skavild, her library assistant, accidentally learned a spell to stop time after a meeting with a ghostly Ancient Falmer ancestor, but does not know how to cast it, and has now also been captured while trying to help Eldaline escape.

The giant bandit woman is the daughter of Aeslaf, one of Skavild's former Stormcloak allies.



"Loyal citizens of Ysgramor's ancient city, witness the might of the flower of Stormcloak womanhood, as she tears the head and limbs off this Thalmor witch, the Serpent of Sun-hold." Said the Jarl of Windhelm.


"Then, see what mercy awaits the turncoat who sold our secrets to elves as her servant is thrown to wolves."

Skavild said nothing and wondered how to cast the spell.


The gates were raised and Eldaline and her opponent darted into the arena. Eldaline was a little angry that her opponent was nearly eight feet tall, but was, as usual, determined to make the best of it.


But a moment after she ducked under the first blow, she stumbled back. "Gods." She said. "I can't!"


Perhaps a very big green potion from the alchemist had not been enough to offset the days without food and sleep, and filled with torment, humiliation and ridicule.


"No, no. You have to get up!" Insisted Zuli, the runaway Stormcloak, now captured bandit. "It's against the rules to die before I hit you!"


"I can't. Do you not understand? I am finished. You have won. Come and end it."



"I expected something more entertaining." Said the Jarl.


"Oh, Eldaline." Said Skavild. Privately, he thought: Why can't I do it? I learned the spell. Why can't I stop time?


"Oh, no, it's so sad." Said Zuli. "You can't die like this, you have to fight me."


"Oh, I'm so sorry, please get up."

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The Serpent lunged.


"You idiot!" Eldaline snarled. "You let me get up. Never let me get up."


"Where are your wits, warrior? On your feet!"


Being allowed the chance to stand seemed too good to be true. It was. Eldaline latched onto the giant Nord's neck as she stumbled upright, folded her arms and squeezed.


She clung on and would not be thrown, as though trying to tame a wild horse, or more accurately, ride a eight-foot tall Nord bandit with a pointy hat. Zuli thrashed wildly and knocked about three spells out of Eldaline's brain.


"For what it is worth, I deeply regret this indignity we both suffer." She gasped, taking advantage of a lapse in Zuli's concentration to wrap her legs around her throat.


"Oh, gods. It hurts." She cried as the pointy hat caught her in the chest. "Stop fighting me. You cannot fight without breath."


Although the Nord's strength was unimaginably great, you will know if you have ever tried to prise an oiled and determined elf off your shoulders when its entire body is locked in place, it is very difficult even if you are not being suffocated.


Zuli jolted back.


She gasped as she was finally able to dislodge Eldalineimage The Serpent uncoiled.image

but Zuli fell into the snow with a slightly greasy bouncing noise.


"Zuli! Zuli, get up!" Cried Aeslaf.


"No more getting up." Said Eldaline.


"Jarl Ulfric, I beg you, stop the fight! Elf, I beg you, do not kill my little daughter!"


"I didn't become this despised by showing mercy to my enemies."



"Zuli, wake up!"


Eldaline said, "I don't... like... mercy."




"Wilfred, I have won your silly game. Even though it is not my place to execute your bandits for you. Release me, or have the courage to kill me yourself."


"And why should I dirty my axe with your blood, Thalmor?"


"Because I call you a cheat, Wilfred, and the power of this so-called Thu'um exaggerated! I know, because I exaggerated it myself."


"For years, you have misled the..."

"I am here." Said Ulfric.


"You came!" Eldaline cried. "I did not think you would come down. But I expected you to take a bit longer. Can I finish what I was going to say?"



It was unbelievable, thought Skavild, that he could be distracted at a moment like this. But there was the snow elf. Over there, in the stands, like he belonged there.


But it wasn't. Skavild blinked. It was a Nord. The same ordinary spectator who had been there at the start of the fight.


"It's illusion." Said Skavild, out loud. "It's not an alteration spell, it's an illusion spell. Only spell I've ever learned, and I've been trying to cast an alteration spell. I understand, you damn snow elf. Why couldn't you just tell me with words?"


The Jarl growled: "You cannot keep rolling out of my way forever."


Eldaline said, "Sez you."


"I told you that oil would help." Said Eldaline. "It is not only for looks. That is the trouble with great and important families. They never think of small things like cooking oil."


"Oil yourself out of this!" Ulfric took a deep breath.


"No!" Cried Skavild.


"Not like this." Said Eldaline.


Ulfric shouted, and the ground shook, the gates behind Eldaline buckled, cracks ran through the ancient stone, and the spectators and guards felt their teeth chatter.


Although there should also have been pieces of Eldaline all over the walls, when the noise subsided, she was still upright.


But only just. It was hard to say why, but all she could say was "Hahahahaha."

Continues soon

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