Join the Power Level Discord server!

Join the Power Level Discord server!

Aug 07, 2020

image If you're a gamer, already working in esports, or you're looking to get into the industry, you're invited to join the Power Level server on Discord! Power Level is my gaming and esports podcast, but it's transforming into so much more. We're expanding and evolving our content to include video, guest interviews, and an eventual Women in Esports segment. As a general member you'll have access to public releases and you'll have the ability to chat and get to know other industry professionals.

With a paid membership ($5 a month), you'll unlock access to the Members Only channel, be the first to obtain new releases, earn unique content not available anywhere else, have the chance to become a guest on the show, and more! In addition, you'll have the opportunity to gain immediate access to industry advice, whether it's getting help with a new pitch, building a portfolio, or understanding a freelance contract.

Click here to join the Power Level server!

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