Day 33, Lockdown South Africa.
How are you holding up?
One of my biggest inspirational figures in life, Muhammad Ali said, "What you're thinking is what you're becoming".
Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool. You need to hone it according to what you want to accomplish.
If you let your thoughts stay negative, you're basically allowing yourself to be defeated and negativity in your life will follow.
If you consciously choose to remain positive despite the situations you may be facing, you are consciously choosing a positive outcome.
Your mind is literally that powerful. What you think and truly believe, you will become.
Napoleon Hill said,"You either control your mind or it controls you".
Be in control of your mind and yourself. You may not be able to control the situation at hand, but you can control yourself, your perspective and how you will eventually go forward from this. The situations which we are in differs from person to person, but we are all pushing through the same storm.
Be your own catalyst and push yourself forward positively. Support each other where you can. We all need every bit of help that we can get.
If collectively, we can control ourselves for the betterment of our future, we truly can accomplish anything.
Your strongest ally, and your worst enemy, is your mind. Use it well. Its yours to direct.
You've got this. We've got this.
This photo was taken a couple of years ago between Magaliesburg and Ventersdorp. I came across this railroad completely by accident. Sometimes when you're set on a goal, opportunities arise that you would not have expected. Train your mind to see those opportunities, and then capitalize on them.
We have so much beauty around us.
I am Proudly South African. Originally posted 28 April 2020.