Hey all,
It's time for a update on how things are going for CT Creative Life and Nintendo Ninja News. I have been adding more items to the PC Build such as a new Switch controller and a SSD Card for the PC Build. The next pieces will be the Power Supply and the RAM which will be 16gb - double the amount of what's in the laptop. Progress on the build has slowed due to less Youtube ad dollars and donations during the past few months. I always knew how there would be some slowdowns so that's why the PC Build would be a year long project. Because moving from laptop to desktop PC would take much longer.
On the streaming front I'm getting Xenoblade Chronciles 3 as it's due to get a new big game for the Nintendo Switch. I'm alsdo thinking of getting Splatoon 3 as I think that would bring in new viewers as it's popular in Japan and I'm a fan of the series. A new shooter game would be nice to play. I have also brough the PS Plus Extra which features plenty of single player game experiences. Some games I will play as a one off and others I will play a number of times. Some single player games are simply too long to stream.
I'm looking forward to the next six months as I get the PC put together, a few new stories to write and I'm sure some exciting things coming from Nintendo too!