Hey all,
Last month we got some great donations towards the PC Build and I wanna thank them here for the help and support. This month I'm working to get the SSD Hard Drive and Power Supply - two more pieces to add to the PC Build. I'm hoping that most of the pieces will come together by the middle of the year.
We are looking into multistreaming for our stream shows with Twitch and Facebook. I'm leaning towards Twitch as that's still known as the best place for gaming type channels. The main challenge is keeping track of three chat boxes during the stream which I'm still learning. This will expand the brand of NNN and draw in more people to watch our large video content on Youtube. I think this can a exciting new chapter to breathe new life into a seven year old Youtube channel.
The last and important piece of news is NNN's 7th Birthday stream, twice a year we hold these big long stream which we get our regular and rarer viewers in to catch up and celebrate a birthday. It's been a changing year with the stream show improving it's look and working on that PC Build. Come along and check out the changes if you haven't yet.
A big thanks to the donators here and check out the monthly membership as that does help the channel alot in our efforts to keep buying new PC parts. When the Build is complete I will be able to get some new games to play for the Switch and PS4. We also have added WII and GameCube games to our collection with Nintendo DS games coming later in the month.
Chris Ticehurst - NNN Host