Week 1: EduCreator Orientation

Week 1: EduCreator Orientation

Sep 01, 2023

Hello Students and EduCreators!

Congratulations on an amazing Week 1: Onboarding! Our PAID EduCreators have received their Student Learning Portals, completed their Homework #3 with a 100% completion rate, and have started the very important process of validating their courses.

I started a special group in OCC Metaversity for all EduCreators that completed their homework and came to class this week. I am going to be very selective from here on out because this is by far the best program I’ve ever designed. And I’m receiving coaching and consultation from expert educators, instructional designers and business/marketing strategist. To move forward, class attendance, including listening to replays, is strongly recommended and completing homework assignments is a requirement. I am looking for Action Takers. I have found Action Takers. Let’s BUILD!

Check out this video replay (rough edit), from our Orientation Session yesterday.

Thank you for your continued support and participation! We have only barely begun! 😆

Many Blessings,

Christel 🙏🏽💜

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