What Daily Habit Will You Build Next?

What Daily Habit Will You Build Next?

Apr 12, 2024

For those of you coming over from my latest blog post (The Magic Wand), thanks for actually stopping by here to tell me what new daily habit you are going to work on next!

Right after I wrote that blog post and scheduled it to be published, I took a few minutes to think about what new daily habit I wanted to work on right along with you.

My Next Habit...

Since you've been following my blog and vlogs, you already know that I've been working on a bunch of daily habits over the past few years and trying to lock in everything from brushing and flossing my teeth every day to walking, lifting weights and eating hot or cold cereal for breakfast (usually oatmeal).

Well, for the month of September, I've decided to challenge myself to meditate every single day.

Even just typing it out like that, I feel kinda dumb because I know I won't do it 30 days in a row. I've tried here and there for over two decades. But I never meditated more than a handful of times in a month.

Or at least, the little voice in my head keeps reminding me of that fact as I type this. But as I've mentioned again and again this year, it's time to kill the noise and ignore the voices.

And anything is more than zero.

So that's what I'm working on in September 2023 - meditating every day, even if it's just for 2-3 minutes while sitting on the couch or sitting in my car in the parking lot and counting my breaths in and out, in and out, in and out.

I hope to actually sit cross-legged on the floor in the spare bedroom with my eyes closed and go for a straight 10 minutes or more. But even just meditating "imperfectly" for a couple minutes a day while sitting at my desk or in some random coffee shop is good enough to get the habit started.

Remember: first, build the habit. Then, scale it up. You cannot improve a habit that doesn't exist, so make it easy to get started and then build on it later on down the road.

Your Turn...

Okay, so...what daily habit have you decided to work on over the next few weeks?

It can be something you used to do years ago but then fell out of practice.

Or it can be a habit you attempted in the past but still never really got it locked in.

Or...it can be something totally brand new that you literally just thought of five minutes ago.

And if you really want to try something like this but still have no clue what habit to choose, you can try meditating with me for a day or two while you think of something else that you'd rather do.

Okay...time to leave a comment...

What daily habit will you work on this month?

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