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Rest, Reflect, Release

Rest, Reflect, Release

Jun 13, 2021

Through my journey, I’ve learnt:

1. The act of “rest” gives some of my best ideas and inspirations. Sometimes, making progress means taking rest days. It’s (very) okay to take a break. 

2. The act of “reflection” allows me to be honest with myself. It teaches me about what my heart values and what it doesn’t. It helps me uncover my deepest desires and understand my underlying motivations. I would imagine this step to be treating myself as a Very Important Customer (VIP) to learn and understand more about.

3. The act of “release” gives me peace in knowing I have the power to choose and align my actions to the inner self. It helps to preserve more energy for things which are meant for the self.

[Rest, Reflect, Release] is a great teacher for our soul ✨

If you find the above too overwhelming, do know that it all starts with “rest” and perhaps focus on that first. Today, I encourage you to take conscious effort in slowing down more in life and make resting a priority. With a well rested mind comes good things - ideas, inspirations, and in-depth quality reflections to help us better ourselves in the direction we are heading towards. “Dream big, break free” but also at the same time:  Rest Rest Rest Rest! :) 

✨ Do check out my latest episode release [EP 7: [Rest, Reflect, Release] - Finding the Self in Everyday]- to learn more about each step.

[But First, Let’s Chill] ☕️
Chill By Nette: Health and Wellness Podcast 
🎧: Apple Podcast | Spotify Podcast Google Podcast
Produced by: Jeannette Qhek

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