Intention is the "mindfulness" in goal-s ...

Intention is the "mindfulness" in goal-setting.

Jan 16, 2022


Setting goals without clear intentions can drain us or even move us further away from our desired outcomes. Goals with well-thought intentions energizes us, regardless whether we reach our desired outcomes. It is so important to get clear on what is it that we truly want, what is it that resonates before we spend energy actioning and striving towards a specific end-destination. 

By spending time to understand our intentions, we can come to set more purposeful goals that are aligned to our being, and even in the process of striving, we gain fulfillment regardless of whether we meet our desired outcomes. I’ve come to see that intention is the “mindfulness” in our goal-setting.

If this sounds like a perspective you would like to understand more about, I’ve written a blog post (link in bio) and released an episode this week, do check them out! xx


Hello, my name is Jeannette! 👋🏻 Chill By Nette is created to share my authentic personal stories, research & tips around wellness to inspire us in becoming a better version of ourselves. 
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