To new beginnings:
So much happened in the last few months and as I am still navigating through them, this was one of the good that came out from my challenges.
I’m proud to present [Chill By Nette]: Health & Wellness Podcast. Something I’ve been working hard on for the past few months-
The birth of [Chill By Nette] marks a significant milestone in my own recovery journey and it is also created to share my personal stories and lessons learnt around personal development, health and well-being. It is primarily for me to express and share my thoughts around wellness topics I am passionate about. Hopefully, it could also double up in time to serve as a safe space where others going through the same challenges can relate and find some chill and comfort in.
Here’s to living a more fulfilled present through embracing vulnerabilities, and unbecoming who we are not - to find our authentic selves. If you’re also one who is struggling with personal challenges or passionate about wellness (or life in general), welcome to join me on this journey!
Cheers to new beginnings & greater things ahead!
This podcast is created for souls who are passionate about their personal development, health and well-being. This is a platform for you to come chill by my personal stories and weekly tips to becoming a better version of ourselves and to live a better present.
No doubt, they will be of a great companion during one of your solo morning coffee runs, night showers or stay-home rainy days.
"The key to wellness is to accept personal responsibility for your health and wellbeing"
[But First, Let’s Chill] ☕️
Chill By Nette: Health and Wellness Podcast
🎧: Apple Podcast | Spotify Podcast | Google Podcast
Produced by: Jeannette Qhek