Charlie DIYte
383 supporters
Extractor Fans, Wasp Nests & Operations

Extractor Fans, Wasp Nests & Operations

Aug 05, 2021

So I wanted to start this blog post by thanking all of you collectively for either buying me a coffee or for signing up to my monthly membership, which has now reached 50 members! This channel is obviously still very much in its infancy, but I'm very keen to take it as far as possible, both through the Discord community forum and with exclusive content and downloads here on BMC.

It's been a busy two weeks on the Discord forum - again, thanks everyone for chipping in with comments and advice, and my favourite feature so far is the "What have you done today" thread, which gives anyone who's been making stuff a chance to post photos of their creations.

I also need to personally thank Dalton and MrHumbug for their input on electrical considerations on my bathroom fan video. The extractor fan video has been (or should I say "is being") one of my most challenging to date. I don't know whether it was the other things going on in my life (my son had brain surgery a couple of weeks ago to try and cure his life long epilepsy), but something that should have been so simple has become incredibly complex to put together.

It's taken a week to script - that's definitely me being unfocused :) and I've had to carry out a fair amount of preparatory work to get to the point where I can start filming - because of the inadequacy of the previous setup.

And then, as I was up in the loft pondering some issues with the lighting circuit, the wasps started circling around the loft light (it's a horrible little space to work in with thousands of dead flies and loft insulation). I had three wasps nests - one in the garden which resulted in me being stung 3 times in one leg by a vengeful little #### whilst mowing the lawn and now two in the loft.

I did a YouTube video right at the start of my channel - which is unfortunately as plagued with far too loud cheesy music as I was by the wasps. But since then I've bought a comedy suit on Amazon - I can't find the exact one as it was a while ago, but it was similar to this one which I have to say has been brilliant in protecting me whilst treating the nests, and crucially with this suit on I can zap them during the day - which is far more effective in my experience than at dusk when they're all in the nest.

So I may post a vid on this on the channel this weekend, depending on how much progress I make on the extractor fan video over the next couple of days, and if like this week there are a few days when things go a bit quiet, I haven't forgotten about you all, I'm just trying to resolve the bottleneck that is me - by which I mean the difficulty of posting a weekly YouTube video along with everything else - but that will definitely change. Watch this space...

Thanks all from the bottom of my heart. DM me whenever you have a question and pitch into Discord if you've ever got anything you'd like to discuss.



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