Belief In The Certainty Of Uncertainty
Filling The Self With Doubt
Making Us Refuse To Find A Way Out
Fixing Us In Place Without The
Willingness To Change Our Space
The Irony Of This Malaise
Is Right There In The Face
Of A System That Occupies It All
Like a Madman Constantly Reinventing
Himself At Each Fall
A Need To Live As Dynamically As A Machine
That Crunches Us Into Bite Size Feed Through Its Rapine
Making The Challenge All The More Unpalatable
To The Will Less Without Wherewithal
At The Least We Don't Need To Treat
Ourselves As Inviolate Meat
For We Can Always Act As Seeds
In A Constant State Of Disbelief
We Don't Know But We Do Know
What We're Doing To Our Selfs
What We're Doing To Our Selfs
A Desire To Resist
In The Midst
Of The Self Denial
Of The Denial Of The Self
For a month:
1. Any time you have the urge to do something outside of your "normal" identity (e.g. buy a funky hat, go skydiving, wear a dress etc.), take whatever steps possible to make it happen and do it.
2. Change your identity at least three times during this same month i.e. become a musician, an artist, a missionary, a churchgoer, a cyclist etc.).
3. Absolutely refuse to listen to naysayers throughout the month. If necessary, block them temporarily, or permanently.
4. Reflect on what your experiences tell you about your rigidity as a subject and what this means in relation to your place in society.
5. Share your experiences on this page.