It's The Belittling
It's The Forfeiting
Of Self
It's The Permitting
It's The Transmitting
Of Self
It's The Omitting
It's The Dimissing
Of Self
It's The Committing
It's The Worshiping
Of Self
It's A Constant You See
That Doesn't Want Us To Be
Willing To Stand Up
All Alone
Subject Inoutside The System
Reflection Of It's Attrition
Making It Quiver
To The Bone
Unmanageable By Its Language
Discovering Its Own Forage
Refusing To Submit
To Semiosis
Building Its Own Reality
Opening Up A New Ontology
Abandoning All
The Corrosive
Call Them
Ill Mad Insane Or Bad
Run In Fear Fag
It's Us That's Been Had
1. Spend a day recording things/experiences you don't have a word for.
2. Make new words for these experiences/feelings/ideas/concepts, combining words together (e.g. Withought, Inoutside etc.) or make up your own entirely.
3. Use them in your speech and writing regularly.
4. Share your experiences on this page.