Chad Ohman
156 supporters
Sixty $5 coffee cards delivered to Red D ...

Sixty $5 coffee cards delivered to Red Deer Regional Hospital ED and ICU

Oct 17, 2021

Sixty $5 coffee cards dropped off at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Emergency and ICU departments, thirty each.

First, the number of propaganda billboards on the sides of old and rusting semi trailers on the side of Hwy 2 is far to high (the acceptable number is 0). Arriving at the hospital I didn't realize just how big the facility was. This was a rare daytime delivery!

The screener at the front door was lovely - pointed me in the right direction for the Emergency dept and then directions to the ICU after that. The ED was busy. Really busy. The screener there introduced me to their Protective Services guy, Eric.

There was no chance I'd get to hand these to the charge nurse but he assured me he'll let them know and put the stack of cards on the break room table for staff to pick up. This was perfect so I headed up to the second floor where the ICU is located.

I buzzed in with the ICU's intercom telephone and they said they'd send someone out. Someone I'd believe to be the dept manager came out and I did my spiel. She was surprised to find I'd came down from Edmonton to drop off.

I explained that I knew the dire straits Central Zone is in right now and that I was sure her team needed a pick me up. She nodded in agreement. On the way out of Red Deer my partner pointed out a helicopter in the sky - it was STARS on approach to RDRH.

Four new donations today, bringing our total up to $5560.43 from 162 donors. I've delivered a total of 570 cards ($2850) to 19 departments. The full #CoffeeforHCWsAB story is here:

I've been delivering every night since Thurs, Sept 30th. I'm going to take the night off tomorrow but will be back delivering on Monday! Thank you everyone for making this possible and spreading love farther than I ever imagined. Nominate a dept:

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