Maybe I didn't?
Okay, so, here is the thing: [Whiskey Tango Foxtrot] is finished. It's now in the "looking for a new beta reader" stage before it goes to my lovely editor when school ends for the year.
I'm looking for fresh eyes, someone who can read quickly and get back to me in a week. Someone who doesn't know Ronnie, Crockett, Ben, Donald or Nana.
There's a post about it over on my website: Cat Connor - click the blog tab ;-)
Other news, a new character kinda landed in my lap this morning. Definitely a bad guy. Feel like he might be death number two in the next book. Death number one is already taken. Have a feeling the next book will have quite a high body count. Such is life.
[WTF] has one 'on screen' death. I actually thought no one died but then I remembered no one important or nice died. :)
Currently there is no writing happening, that's usually the case when I've finished a novel. There's downtime while it's out with beta readers, then some time spent tweaking the story after feedback and then more downtime while it's with my editor. Give my brain a break. It's a good thing!
It's almost December. Birthday month. There will probably be some special pricing on my ebooks around the 12th and maybe even a super easy competition.
Hope you're well and having a good end to the year.
photo: Large Mastador (Diesel) with his head on a teal shaggy pillow. He is lying on a blue leather couch and wearing a faded orange collar.