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Karma Bites Back

Karma Bites Back

Jun 24, 2023

image There are those of us who accept the consequences of our actions. There are people like my husband who act like spoiled, entitled, children who feel the world owes them. And, nothing is enough to appease these demented minds. The more you do or offer them, the more they feel owed. It is sickening and tiring. It never seems like karma catches them. Or does it?

My entire life is beyond chaotic right now, and it seems to not want to let up. A husband that treats me like crap from the very beginning of our marriage to others who think I am beyond any hope. I made plenty of mistakes. I own my share of it one hundred percent. I never quite grasped how to survive on my own. My issue, my problem to try to fix.

There are those of us who accept the consequences of our actions. There are people like my husband who act like spoiled, entitled, children who feel the world owes them. And, nothing is enough to appease these demented minds. The more you do or offer them, the more they feel owed. It is sickening and tiring. It never seems like karma catches them. Or does it?

My entire life is beyond chaotic right now, and it seems to not want to let up. A husband that treats me like crap from the very beginning of our marriage to others who think I am beyond any hope. I made plenty of mistakes. I own my share of it one hundred percent. I never quite grasped how to survive on my own. My issues, my problem to fix.

I have witnessed karma in action. It took a while to catch up to these insidious people.

My second husband's family is a good example of karma biting. His family owned a manufacturing company that mass-produced certain parts for mainly microwaves. There were other products, but that was the main one.

His parents liked to "employ" immigrants they found using their temp agency. Many of these workers were working double sometimes triple shifts to meet the demands. Of course, my in-laws got away with this by using two sets of ledgers. One for the IRS, and the other for them to track their illegal crap.

I was kept in the dark about this until years later when my husband disclosed it.

Well, his family paid a high cost for their illegal doings. The business went pretty much belly up, and my father-in-law had a string of heart attacks. He flatlined on three occasions during the years. His body deteriorated until his death at sixty-seven. His wife is still alive, thirteen years later but squandered whatever money was left when he died. My ex suffered a near-death heart attack at the age of forty-four. His time clock is running slowly out too for all the demented crap he did to my kids and myself.

This brings me to my current husband who is a piece of work. Granted he developed diabetes at the age of nine while having no dad in his life. It was only him and his mom. I get it. However, it did not permit him to grow up to be selfish, entitled, lying, and manipulative to get his way. Oh, and a lazy ass too.

He has treated me like dirt from the get-go. He utilized scriptures to manipulate me while I was in a bad place. I was struggling with my health while trying to care for my daughter. I was not working and child support was not sustaining us. I was at a low point.

This husband schmoozed making false promises of a better life. I was gullible and naive. We married six months after dating. I am an idiot.

I knew going in about his health issues. We met while he was getting dialysis and I was sometimes his technician. The health problems were not an issue for me. It was his constant lies, manipulations, and me never seeming to do enough for this man. Him doing this all the while wrapping it around a Jesus cloak.

He is not the least bit thankful for not only receiving one transplant but two within five years. Nothing is good enough for him.

We stopped being intimate with each other for almost six years. No hand-holding, kissing, touching, etc...

His health has gone down the tubes since we have been together. Part of it is his age with health issues, the other is his undoing. He refuses to own his part in bearing the responsibility of taking care of himself. Nope. Everyone else is supposed to do it for him.

About two years ago, he developed chronic diarrhea. I figured from his not watching his diet caused it. He complained he developed horrible hemorrhoids. Not shocking with all the nonstop pooping.

He saw a Gastrology doctor who immediately did surgery back in February. The doctor biopsied a mass he removed. My husband made the mistake of showing me his online pathology report. I knew the terminology for cancer. I wasn't surprised. It was the other medical term I had to do an online search.

After finding the results, I felt even more betrayed and disgusted. My husband had genital warts. A form of HPV which is an STD. The only way to contract it is through a form of intimacy. We had not been intimate in over six years. He is a transplant recipient which means little immunity and things like viruses pop up immediately. Only one answer, he cheated.

I brought up my findings to him but he nervously laughed and that was it. He tells everyone about cancer but leaves out how he contracted it. I have not kept quiet, I share this story. He can deny all he wants but the truth is out there.

He was told by transplant there is a cancer medicine that can slow the spread. We cannot afford it since it would cost nearly $200 a month even with insurance. We barely afford our bills. He still has other genital warts that need to be removed.

My empathy for him left long ago. Cancer and untreated HPV are slowly eating away at his body. His narcissistic ways brought this upon himself.

Karma's timing never seems to affect bad people. But, when it comes, it bites back hard.

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