Apr 18, 2024

He is happy, he okay, right? 

As you can see he got a real smile on 

He does not mind spreading the joy  

He tells a silly joke to that sad mama selling tomatoes 

She laughs out loudly as she tells her shoe polisher neighbor what a happy child he  always is

Am always that happy 


The people around count on him to cheer them up  

He never disappoints them though  

Most step on him claiming what a good friend he is  

Cause they know he  can't get mad  

Ha ha ha , yeah he can not get mad at ignorant people 

Guess why , cause he am always a happy person! 


Guess what ,  he is not happy as he look or at all  

Nor is his smile real , its as fake as it gets 

But no people have been so mean that they don’t notice a breaking heart  

They don’t notice he is  dying inside  

His cry was so silent but it was too loud for him 

He tried being happy 


He tried maintaining the fake smile , hoping it would be real 

He thought sharing joy would also make him happy  

He tried to not listen to his tired mind and heart 

He really tried to still make people happy in his suicide note 

He tried until he couldn’t anymore,  

He took his own life! 

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