Creating BTS acrylic keychains is a fant ...

Creating BTS acrylic keychains is a fantastic way for fans to show their love for the K-po

Jun 23, 2024

These keychains can feature images of the members, BTS logos, or iconic symbols from their music and videos. Here's a step-by-step guide to making your own BTS  acrylic keychains

Materials Needed:

  1. Acrylic Blanks: Pre-cut acrylic shapes or sheets you can cut yourself.

  2. BTS Images: High-quality images of BTS members, logos, or symbols.

  3. Mod Podge or Photo Transfer Medium: For adhering images to the acrylic.

  4. Brushes: For applying the Mod Podge or transfer medium.

  5. Scissors or Craft Knife: For cutting the images to size.

  6. Keychain Hardware: Key rings, jump rings, and small chains.

  7. Cutting Machine (optional): Such as a Cricut or Silhouette for cutting vinyl if you want to use vinyl decals.

  8. Weeding Tools: For removing excess vinyl.

  9. Transfer Tape: For applying vinyl to the acrylic.

  10. UV Resin and UV Lamp: Optional, for a glossy finish and added durability.

  11. Squeegee or Credit Card: For smoothing out the images or vinyl.

  12. Protective Finish (optional): Such as clear acrylic spray sealer.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Select and Prepare Your BTS Images

  • Choose high-quality images of BTS members, logos, or symbols. You can find these online or create your own designs.

  • Resize the images to fit the dimensions of your acrylic blanks using photo editing software or online tools.

  • Print the images on regular paper or photo paper, ensuring the print quality is high.

2. Prepare the Acrylic

  • Pre-Cut Blanks: Ensure they are clean and free of dust.

  • Cutting Acrylic Sheets: If cutting your own, use a cutting machine or a jigsaw to cut the desired shape. Smooth the edges with sandpaper.

  • Drilling Holes: If your blanks don’t have holes, use a small drill to create a hole for the keychain hardware.

3. Cut and Attach the Images

  • Cut the BTS images to match the size and shape of your acrylic blank.

  • Apply a layer of Mod Podge or photo transfer medium to the back of the image and to the acrylic blank.

  • Place the image face down on the acrylic blank, ensuring it is centered and smooth.

  • Use a squeegee or credit card to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. Let it dry according to the Mod Podge or transfer medium instructions.

4. Decorate with Vinyl (Optional)

  • If you want to add vinyl decals, cut your design using a cutting machine.

  • Weed out the excess vinyl, leaving only your design.

  • Use transfer tape to pick up your vinyl design and apply it to the acrylic blank.

  • Smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles using a squeegee or credit card.

5. Seal the Image or Vinyl

  • Apply a layer of Mod Podge or transfer medium over the image or vinyl to seal it.

  • Let it dry completely. For added protection, apply multiple layers, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.

6. Apply UV Resin (Optional)

  • For a glossy, professional finish and to protect the image or vinyl, apply a thin layer of UV resin over the decorated side of the acrylic.

  • Use a UV lamp to cure the resin, following the manufacturer's instructions.

7. Assemble the Keychain

  • Attach the keychain hardware:

    • Open a jump ring using pliers.

    • Insert it through the hole in the acrylic blank.

    • Attach the key ring or small chain to the jump ring and close it securely with pliers.

Tips and Tricks:

  • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images for the best results. Lower quality images may appear pixelated or blurry.

  • Smooth Application: Take your time to smooth out the image or vinyl to avoid bubbles and wrinkles. A well-adhered image will look more professional.

  • Protective Finish: If you don’t use UV resin, consider a clear acrylic spray sealer to protect the image or vinyl and make it more durable.

  • Personalization: Add text or small embellishments to the images before sealing for a more personalized touch.


  • Bubbles and Wrinkles: If bubbles form under the image or vinyl, carefully lift the edge and reapply the Mod Podge, smoothing out the bubbles.

  • Image Alignment: Ensure the image is properly aligned before it dries. Once it adheres, it will be difficult to reposition.

Creating BTS acrylic keychains is a fun and creative way to celebrate your love for BTS. With these steps, you can craft unique and stylish keychains that are perfect for personal use or as gifts for fellow ARMY members.

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