Collective Energy Update (week of June 2 ...

Collective Energy Update (week of June 20, 2022)

Jun 21, 2022

I realize I've been on a bit of an unintended hiatus 😬, BUT I'm now posting this update from the beautiful Vienna, Austria!

I've made an international move with TWO cats, and here we are. Now that I'm feeling a bit more settled, I'm ready to dive back into weekly energy updates.

Here's this week's collective update!

It feels like a giant pause, like there was one collective, deep inhale, followed by a cleansing exhale, and we're in this moment of quiet. A moment of peace with the present.

This feels like a time to really BE in the present moment and take advantage of this pause. Nourish yourself and your system.

You don't always have to know the next step or plan 10 moves ahead.

What feels good right now?

How can you lean into the pause just a teensy bit more this week?

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