2 supporters
My Analogue Journey

My Analogue Journey

Jan 18, 2022

I am embarking on an Analogue Journey. I started by buying a couple of 35mm Cameras, and then move on to medium formats, & maybe a full format camera. As it turns out, Analogue Journey us one of patience & continued investment. Good Film Stock is difficult & expensive to come by. Due to the Genre I create, I would like to develop, print or digitise my film in house & that is a completely different science. So yes, while I intend to do as much as I can, the process is long drawn, and any support from you guys will only be encourage me a bit more. 

Digital progress has made art forms like Photography more accessible to everyone. Accessible in forms of cost, and encouraging in way of ease of creating and hence quality of creations. And more accessibility to everyone is a true sign of human progress.

Also, like many would tell you, the gear does not matter. Whether you create with your dslr, or your phone or your grandfather’s old analogue camera, it is ultimately what you create that matters, and not how you create it.

Then, why on earth would someone like me, try to go back in time, and want to create using an Analogue Camera ??

That is exactly what I would want to speak with you about on this platform.

I intend to keep all posts public, and all cups of coffee will be voluntary only. Your contributions may help me buy an additional film type, or learn an additional process adding vertically to integrate my Analogue Journey



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