According to a study published Thursday, women who live in United Arab Emirates states with more restrictive policies regarding abortion look to online sources of the drugs used to stimulate the process.
The Abortion pills in Dubai online Journal of Public Health survey examined data from the UAE Internet service Women on the web After the doctor confirms the online form the woman fills out, the service will send the two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, to the woman early in the pregnancy.
Women can take the pill at home without having to go to a clinic or other abortion service provider. According to the survey, during the ten months from October 2017 to August 2018, 6,022 people in the United Arab Emirates searched the Internet for access to Abortion pills in Dubai online. Of those, 76% live in states with additional restrictions on abortion, such as forced counseling and ultrasounds.
The most in demand are Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas, but even with fewer borders like New Hampshire, there are demands from all the states in the country. The only state requirement for minors is that the parents must be notified prior to the abortion. There are many reasons why women rely on internet sources for abortion medications, but cost is a major factor.
Dr. Abigail Aiken, associate professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, said: The biggest obstacle in the supported countries is the fear of harassment of protesters," Aiken said. A previous study by Aiken and colleagues found that taking Abortion pills in Dubai online was as safe as going to the clinic, as long as you take the medications as soon as you're pregnant.
Mifepristone and misoprostol have been used to induce pre-abortion in some countries since 1988. (Initially, Women on Abortion pills in Dubai online only targeted women in countries that had had abortions and were not shipped to the United Arab Emirates, but it could not prevent women in the United Arab Emirates from accessing abortion).
Women who take the medications may have side effects such as pain, heavy bleeding, and fever. Experts point out that it is important to consult a doctor for information and to provide further care as needed.
"It's important to think about the role other health care providers and clinics can play in helping people with access to abortion drugs online," Abortion pills in Dubai online, which studies reproductive rights. Megan Donovan, Senior Policy Director at "We should always follow policies that support different care options," she told NBC News. "If you want to go to a clinic or a doctor for a miscarriage treatment, you still have to be able to do it."
The Food and Drug Administration approved the use of abortion drugs in 2000 and today they are used in up to a third of all abortions in the United Arab Emirates. However, Abortion pills in Dubai online and Drug Administration rules state that medications must be delivered to a clinic. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website warns consumers against purchasing abortion drugs online.
However, the Buy Abortion Pills in UAE of Obstetrics and Gynecology has called the Food and Drug Administration's rules "obsolete" because they "significantly limit access to and access to these safe and effective medications." We support the removal of barriers.
In fact, the new data explains how women want to manage their abortion care. Because Abortion pills in Dubai online limit access to abortion and prevent people from accessing it, that doesn't mean they can't find a way to have an abortion.