22 supporters
September Harvest

September Harvest

Sep 16, 2021

Dear BuyMeACoffee angels,

September is half over and these days in Minnesota are a true string of pearls. Not only is there a harvest going on in all gardens, but I am having a feeling of fullness, completeness and satisfaction... at least for a few weeks. The nights are down in the 40s and the days are in the 70s. Each morning one can see pillars of fog upon the cooling lakes. Beauty abounds.

Music is really singing along! Every Saturday morning we community sing in-person, outside at Kieran's Kitchen NE at 9:45am. Also we are community singing in the evening on Thursday, September 16th at Unity of the Valley in Savage, Minnesota.

I am excited to have an original song, cowritten with Toronto based chant-ress Brenda McMorrow coming out on the White Swan label in the next couple weeks. The song is based on the Rumi poem "What Was Said, That." You might see and hear it online soon (it's been 7 years since I put out a produced song! though I have been singing live like crazy) and it feels REALLY good. I will follow that with individual releases of three (finished) songs over the Autumn.

The Green Porch (15 minutes of poetry and song on FaceBook Monday-Friday) is rolling along and I'm enjoying YOU each day and a guest once a week. Sacred Morning Song Monday-Friday from 6-7am central time is a no-talk way to wake up in gratitude praise and wonder. That's on FaceBook too.

Thanks much for your support, it truly sustains me in these soulful endeavours.

In harmony,

Your brother,


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