Hey bros! I finally got the money to repair my iPad! Hooray!
But, another thing came up.
Do you guys know that I have a car? Well, my car got problems, again. It’s not that my car is broken, but this issue will be a big problem if it isn’t fixed soon. You see, my car is a 2002’s Chevrolet Corsa, I have had this car for over 20 years. But now, the gearbox (is that the name of that car piece in English?) had problems when I put the first gear. Like, when I put the first gear, the gear shift lever put the reverse by accident even if the “ring”, which prevents it from putting the reverse down, will put it anyway. This is something that never happened before.
My fear is that, if I or my dad (we’re sharing the car since his car is broken again) drive that car and it goes reverse by mistake, we’re going to get an accident, and it would be worse than this. We talked with the mechanic to give us a budget to repair the car. And the price they gave us, is more expensive than repairing my iPad:
The gear shift kit: 30$
The base motor and other parts: 120$
The labor for this job: 140$
Total: 290$
I could choose to just put this on hold and repair my iPad instead. However, my dad always insists that “We need the car for emergencies”. And since he’s retired, his pension is not enough to pay for the repair of his car, and my car is the only one we have.
I will make another post about what am I going to do next.