Broken Hill
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Disaster Dinner

Disaster Dinner

Feb 24, 2022

So it was payday and payday for a couple of college students meant our parents decided to have some mercy on us, so we treated ourselves to a dinner date. 

My best friend and I, let's call her Que. Que and I took out 1/4 of our allowance for the month and decided to treat ourselves to a fancy restaurant everyone talks about (I know it wasn’t the best decision) 

We had been looking forward to this and as the day finally rolled by our excitement was over the charts, so we dressed up and headed out. Due to my laziness, I couldn’t get myself to download google maps so we had some trouble finding this restaurant, we finally arrived and all I could think at the time was “this is worth it” 

It was beautiful, of course the first thing I noticed was the light it was not picture friendly but it felt homey. To further blow the hats off our heads (not sure if that’s how to use it) the menu was a QR code that we had to scan and it would just show up in our browsers (don’t judge me, but I didn’t even know that existed, online menus I mean) 

I was impressed. 

We took a look at the prices and our heart sank a bit but that’s okay we told each other, we got this. 

Que made an order of Avocado bruschetta, miso soup and stir fry rice, and an Oreo shake (not as desert)

I ordered a ragu bolognese and some pineapple juice thingy that I can’t quite remember the name to. We were excited about it until….

Que’s Avocado bruschetta came and omg, I don’t know what it was supposed to taste like but I’m sure that wasn’t it, eating a slice without losing the content of my stomach was quite the challenge, I don’t know how Que managed to stomach four slices but it wasn’t good, still, we were optimistic until my pasta came, it was so small and didn’t quite look like the cuisine I was expecting. Little did we know that the ragu bolognese was the best thing we ordered. 

Que’s rice came and my God was it small, she was so shocked she couldn’t hide it, she had to ask the waiter with an expression of disbelief “is this my rice”

It was listed under the main course yet it was only a handful, a literal handful, but that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was the miso soup, for some context...

Que is the type of person that can eat anything, she can usually stomach it, so when I tell you she had one spoon and couldn’t take another you must know it was really bad. 

Fortunately for me, I did enjoy my meal but it wasn’t worth the price...

Still, in shock, we managed to get ourselves home, through the ride Que was completely silent and sad. 

So now I’ll rate them in league with other places I’ve been to, here we go.. 

Decor and beauty: 8/10 

[it was breathtaking and calm]

Customer service: 8/10

[very professional and efficient]

Lighting: 5/10

[Very relaxing but doesn’t support aspiring food bloggers like me]

Food presentation: 6/10

[It was meh] 

Taste: 3/10

[I’m being generous]

Value: 2/10

[They gave us baby portions]

Price: Expensive

[Maybe I don’t know enough fancy restaurants to judge but it seriously wasn’t worth it]

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