It's Time to Take The #ImmuniTeaChalleng ...

It's Time to Take The #ImmuniTeaChallenge!

Jan 05, 2022

I've been holding this secret in for MONTHS! 😁 I've been wanting to create a group for me to be able to hold people accountable (and myself) for immune health support. If you didn't already know I am a bonafide tea addict! 🤣 I've been that way for years now. A few months ago, I purchased a few new immune health teas and came up with the idea to create a Discord community to help people focus on strengthening their immune health during these trying times.

Having a safe space to express thoughts and concerns about health and the situation that's going on is very important to me. So I'm happy I dreamed up this baby!

Every month, on the 15th, we will begin our tea challenge with 2 different teas that I've personally tested to make sure they taste amazing! Because let's face it, if you don't think the tea tastes good you won't be drinking it daily. So I volunteer myself as a guinea pig for you all. LOL

We won't just be consuming tea though. I want us to use other immune health activities as well!

Also, I've created a private channel for the unVaselined 😉 to be able to have open discourse in a space with like-minded people. I'm always going to monitor the public and private channels to make sure everyone is respectful of others, but I felt it important to create an extra safe space for them/us.

I hope you all love this idea and will join us in the Discord. I can't wait to get us all into some Merch and make this into a movement. Please share it with your family and friends!

Lots of love,


P.S. - The first 10 to sign up will get to join the Discord for only $5 per month. Be sure to use the Early Birds link!

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