Kill the Head and The Body Will Die

Kill the Head and The Body Will Die

May 08, 2024

Don't Be a Slave to The Thoughts in Your Head.

Your thoughts are talking to you, all day, every day. They influence your every decision whether or not you realize it. Sometimes they're your friend and sometimes not, but we have to live with our thoughts.

Kill the head and the body will die.

What if we look at that phrase from a different angle? What if we say "Take care of the head and the body will thrive"? That seems more fitting in the context of not being a slave to your thoughts.

The head, mind, and body are connected in ways we can only imagine, but one sentiment rings true, if you get your head in order, the body tends to follow suit.

Getting in shape is a perfect example of this, it all depends on state of mind. The wrong state of mind and you will not be getting up, moving your ass, and getting sweaty. I know all too well about this as I have had to lose a considerable amount of weight in the last few years, I know first hand it's all about state of mind.

Cure the mind and the body will follow.

The more input our brains get the more we have to think about and consider. We also have more to worry about, and any mental issues that already existed in our heads before the massive flow of information that is the internet, are amplified by what I think is information overload.

Multitasking is one thing, but how much information and thoughts can our brains handle, it's increasing every year.

I wrote a piece for my substack newsletter about what happens to chefs when augmented humans are the norm and it's frightening to think about the massive amount of thought overload our brain would be subject to by being connected to everyone else's thoughts and information.

I think we will need some form of connectivity regulation when augmentation becomes commonplace. Not thought regulation but more like regulation of the flow of thoughts that are coming into our head, it would be maddening if we were unable to shut it off, and then we would go completely nuts.

Being a slave to our thoughts is bad enough but could you imagine being a slave to another's thoughts, wishes, and demands? You would hear the fears and prayers of everyone around us, and be exposed to their traumas, and their good times.

The good times could save us all from thought slavery, if we all experience each others' thoughts, and possibly feelings then the good times would be the goal, through this we could find out what the true meaning of life is, but we would have to try.

The body also follows suit in the opposite direction. If you are down and depressed your body will reflect that over time if those thoughts are allowed to run rampant in your head. This is where staying in mental shape could be prioritized over staying in shape physically. They work together forming a synergistic unity that is more powerful than we know.

A fusion of mind and body that could be powerful enough to avoid being tortured by the thoughts clanging around in our skulls.

It's no wonder that highly disciplined people are the hardest on themselves, I'm not nearly as disciplined as some but I do the absolute best I can to not be a victim of my tyrannical thoughts, and so should you.

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