Etiquettes Of Relieving One Self

Etiquettes Of Relieving One Self

Oct 15, 2023

One is to enter the toilet with the left foot and seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan before entering. He must say Dua’s such as اللهم اني اعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث 

Evidences: Tirmidhi 606, Abu Dawud 6 One is to sit leaning upon his left side and is to not talk unless there is a need. 

Evidences: Abu Dawud 15 It is prohibitively disliked (Makruh Tahreemi) to face the Qiblah or have your back facing toward it, even if the toilet is in a building. One should rotate slightly. 

Evidences: Bukhari 114 

To face the sun or moon directly is disliked because they are great signs of Allah. 

To face a blowing wind is disliked because the filth is likely to be blown onto one’s body or clothes. 

It is disliked to relieve oneself in a body of water whether still or moving and the same applies to a place of shade, as this may be a rest area for people. 

It is disapproved to relieve oneself in a hole, on a road, or a cemetery. 

Evidences: Muslim 269 

It is disapproved to relieve oneself under a fruit tree. To urinate standing is disliked unless there is a reason. 

It is also disliked to urinate in a place of Wudhu. 

Evidences: Tirmidhi 14 

One is to exit the toilet with the right foot. 

He is to then say: الحمد هلل الذي أذهب عني األذى وعافاني. غفرانك. 

Evidences: Abu Dawud 3

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