The most popular given name for babies i ...

The most popular given name for babies in 2021 updated, this character again?

Jan 06, 2022

The most popular given name for babies in 2021 updated, this character again?

近日,广东佛山市公安局公布了该地区2021年新生儿的热门名字,最受欢迎的前五个男孩儿名字依次是梓豪,梓轩、梓睿、宇轩、梓航,而最受欢迎的前五个女孩儿名字分别是芷晴、梓晴、语桐、 芊妤、 芯妍。

The Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau in Guangdong released a report of the most popular given names of newborns in Foshan in 2021. According to the report, the top 5 names for baby boys were Zihao (梓豪), Zixuan(梓轩), Zirui(梓睿), Yuxuan(宇轩) and Zihang(梓航). As for baby girl's names, Zhiqing(芷晴),Ziqing(梓晴), Yutong(语桐), Qianyu(芊妤), and Xinyan(芯妍) round up the top 5.

Words & Grammar points

  1. 广东佛山市公安局(guǎngdōng fóshānshì gōngānjú):The Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau in Guangdong. When we address a local government, in Chinese, we start from the province, then the city, then the town, then the name of the government organ.  We don't say 佛山公安局广东, because 广东 is a province, and Foshan is a city, the right way to say is 广东佛山市公安局.

  2. 新生儿(xīnshēngér):newborn

  3. 热门(rèmén):popular, trending.

  4. 前五个(qiánwǔge):top 5

  5. 依次(yīcì):successively, in proper order.

  6. 梓(zǐ):  a kind of tree, or carpenter in classic Chinese. It went viral not because of its meaning, but because of the pronunciation zǐ, which gives out the feeling of rich and handsome.

  7. 豪(háo):have a meaning of luxury, powerful, bold when used in a name, as in 豪华,豪迈,豪爽,

  8. 轩(xuān):the original meaning is a luxury, beautiful vehicle with a roof in ancient China, or a gallery with small windows, railings. Over time, its meaning extended to tall, huge, tremendous. In nowadays, a widely used word with 轩 is 气宇轩昂, to describe a guy who is tall, elegant and strong.

  9. 睿(ruì):smart, wise.

  10. 宇(yǔ):as in 宇宙, the cosmos.

  11. 航(háng):to sail, a name with this character may indicate the personality of brave and a bright future.

  12. 芷(zhǐ):芷 is an uncommon word in the Chinese language, only used in classics. The original meaning of 芷 is a kind of grass with a sweet smell.

  13. 晴(qíng):as in 晴朗, sunny.

  14. 语桐(yú tóng):语 as in 语言. When it is used in a name, it has the meaning of refined, well educated, love reading.桐(tóng): parasol tree. It is often used as a name for girls because of its beautiful character and good pronunciation. The nice sound makes the girl who has this character in her name sound beautiful.

  15. 芊妤(qiān yú):芊,qiān, fourish grass or woods. 妤,yú, we don't use this character in modern Chinese at all, its meaning is beautiful, intelligent because it was the name of the female official in the palace of the Han Dynasty.

  16. 芯妍(xīnyán):芯,xīn, the core, the middle part of grass, the pistil. 妍,yán,  girl's beauty. 妍 has some pronunciation with 语言的言 and 颜色的颜, just sound great in a name.

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